Thursday, March 20, 2014

A History and How-to of Time Lapse Photography


This week, I have explored the history of time lapse photography. It began with a horse racing bet in the nineteenth century. Racing aficionados argued whether or not a horse's feet all left the ground simultaneously while galloping. The motion was too fast for anyone to tell with the naked eye, so the first experiment in time lapse photography was conducted from 1872 to 1878. Instead of a single camera that we would use today, a series of cameras were set up along the racetrack connected to trip wires. The horse would hit the trip wires as it ran past, causing the camera to snap the picture. All of the pictures from the various cameras were then combined to create a type of time lapse video of a horse galloping. This video solved the bet of whether or not all of a horse's feet leave the ground simultaneously (they do!), and it also set the foundation for time lapse photography as well as motion picture photography.

Check out the full article along with the 1878 racing video here:

Along with some background information, I found this article which further describes some basics about how to create time lapse videos. It contains tips about how to plan for the number of frames you will need (in other words, how much time you will need) to shoot in order to create a video of a certain length. It also describes how to edit the video and add music or other effects.

Read this article here:

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